Monday 12 October 2015

The hardest thing is tolerance

Firstly thank you friends for your support for the likes and shares thank you for taking the time to read these blogs. Well it's been another busy week again my 3 year old has tonsillitis many doctors visits and my 10 year old has open evenings so a very busy week, but I am so proud of the way we have all pulled together this week. I have finally learnt how to use Twitter this week after many failed attempts and I'm enjoying a new found audience so many many thanks. When I look around there are so many beautiful different people from what people choose to wear to the colour of their skin the language they speak and what they believe in , we are all so different in so so many ways so why do we find it so hard to tolerate each other to see only difference instead of beauty, to see the negative instead of finding out the positive, too close yourself off through being intolerant you deny yourself so many experiences and so many important life lessons we need on a spiritual journey in this time.  Angels do not have a preference or really mind if your hair is bright pink they will guide and protect and love no matter what that's a job and their purpose , it's not that I am seeing the world we live in through rose coloured glasses but I choose to Seize a good rather than the bad I choose to find a positive in so many negative situations and why do I do this because I choose to be happy I choose to listen to the advice given to me by my angels. As I have said so many  x I do believe we can all talk to Angels and spirits we just forgot how to tuning it's a tool we do not need in this day in age but perhaps we really should go back to basics. I know so many spiritually aware people with physical illnesses or disabilities sometimes it feels like the world we live in is moving too fast and we are just playing catch-up and it leaves us exhausted physically emotionally and spiritually drained to find a positive and a negative to give yourself happiness to be a little more tolerant will only be good for yourself and feed your soul so now it's time to  pulla card and to see what's in   store thisweek  i am using archangel Michael as he has been very close this week and I feel that is because my daughter has been quite poorly the card I have pulled is eternal how to find someone that partnership that love that trust is very special and must be protected when two people are drawn together and they walk the same spiritual path meant to be eternal love special just the same as Eternal Flame eternal twin Sam find it easy find others like myself after I have a few goes before we find that special someone, but eternal love and trust used to be protected blessings to you all my friends and I hope this week brings you joy and happiness

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