Sunday 6 September 2015

To much to fast

Again my friends thank you for reading and taking the time to comment and share it means so very much. Xx. I would like to tell you all something that happened on Saturday morning, we have been going through a tough time with our two year old she is so very fret full she finds this world to much she only sleeps about 2or3 hours a night and on Saturday morning I was so tired and feeling very tearful and worried about her up coming appointment on Tuesday when a breeze came behind me every hair and my body just shivered and as I felt a cuddle in my minds eye was my pappy he passed when I was only 17 years old and in truth I've near come to terms with it , he passed on holiday on his own away from us so sudden , I know he come to give me love and the feeling was so strong so clear I just lost it  but so glad it happened not a day goes by when I don't miss  my pappy (her we go again crying lol ) . I would like to talk about something I've not only noticed but was given when I was watching the t.v the other night so many of us are sensitive picking up on feelings , changes in peoples auras and smells now alot of these people have illnesses you can't see but are very, very really such as fibromyalgia, now all these conditions get worse through stress. We have in our brain a small walnut shaped gland that gives us all those chemical changes needed for the very basic Fight or Flight now this was great when we needed to run from a sabre tooth tiger but not so much use now but our bodies still produce all these chemicals but in truth I think they are to much for our bodies and we can't get rid of them so these chemicals our bodies produce sit in our system almost poisoning us  because we cannot get rid of them they just build up causing everything from bowel problems to pain now  all of us sensitive people have a strong urge for nature and a simple clean life we our not in time with this world the rate our bodies have changed and the world we live in is not in sync with each other its all to much to soon there is no balance we are all out of balance I say all this because I have fibromyalgia , hypermobility and Raynaud's phenomenon so I do understand the daily battle so many sensitive people go through  and why the angels are with me I don't feel I belong in this time but a new time I can't really explain it just as I bet nor can you x so its come to card time  and we are back with the ascended masters cards  and the card is detach from drama now this card has been  drawn a few times know and the message is don't give your self stress leave others to fight and stress give yourself space and time to be  and always be true to your beliefs no matter what they are  have a week full of blessings friends and thank you xx

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