Sunday 23 August 2015


Thank you again friends for the warm response, thank you for reading, I am having lots of new experience's at the moment and I am enjoying them so much I feel I am on the next level in my learning and understanding of spirit and this excites me because we are only ever given what we can cope with and understand so the spirits and angels must know that I have more to learn, give and share and in turn this makes me not only feel happy but this is what I am meant to do my calling , have you ever noticed some people sail through life just glide along effortlessly while some stumble from one mess to the next so head strong in their belief that their way is best and that's it living life with blinkers on my mum calls it, we all have our own paths good and bad experiences on them, now the gliders listen take note consciously and unconsciously picking up on signs around them . my husband and I are perfect examples of this he was married many years to a lady he knew was not  right all around them said it and so many years of bad things started in those times we nearly meant so many times we found we had been in the same places at the same time with different people my path to was truly bumpy but I also had an understanding I was given things to go through so I could go on to do this which is help others with a true knowing  well we did find each other an in the six years so far we have achieved massive things with ease we on the right paths,  never view a bad experience as it because one day how you came through it will help others and may even prevent someone hurting.  .Now as always I have pulled a card for us  I have used ascended masters again because these are given me answer to questions so See the other persons point of view   never close your heart and mind be willing to understand even if its not what you believe we all see the same situation differently have you been in conflict with family or friends or work hold out the hand of  compassion , love to you all blessings for your week friends xx

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